Shibo Liu (柳士博)

Email: aa1758926168(AT)

Education and Work Experience

Research Interests


curve cage
Polynomial 2D Green Coordinates for High-order Cages

Shibo Liu, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu

curve shell
Smooth Bijective Projection in a High-order Shell

Shibo Liu, Yang Ji, Jia-Peng Guo, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 43(4), 2024.

Rational Bézier
High-order Shape Interpolation

Zhaobin Huang, Shibo Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu
Computer-Aided Geometric Design (GMP), 2024.

Rational Bézier
Evolutionary Multi-objective High-order Tetrahedral Mesh Optimization

Yang Ji, Shibo Liu, Jia-Peng Guo, Jian-Ping Su, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer-Aided Geometric Design (GMP), 2024.

Rational Bézier
Computing Smooth Preferred Feed Direction Fields with High Material Removal Rates for Efficient CNC Tool Paths

Zirui Wang*, Shibo Liu*, Ligang Liu, Qiang Zou, Xiao-Ming Fu (*Joint first authors).
Computer-Aided Design, 2023.

Rational Bézier
Precise High-order Meshing of 2D Domains with Rational Bézier Curves

Jinlin Yang, Shibo Liu, Shuangming Chai, Ligang Liu, and Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP), 2022, 41(5): 79-88.
